
Lead Generation and Email Marketing

Demand Generation

We create programs that accommodate all budget sizes and share one goal: producing measurable results that truly lead to new sales. We’ll deliver a creative campaign that aims for the primary decision-makers and decision-influencers in your target business market.

We’ll do so in such a way as to insure that all the key elements for successful direct marketing work in concert with the best social media channels — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn — to maximize the impact, visibility, and overall results.

Campaign Strategy and Approach

The depth and breadth of our expertise in marketing more than 100 unique software or services solutions to nearly every job title across corporate America equips us to understand the ideal strategy to reach your audience. Since we understand how different decision-makers and the decision-influencers purchase technology products, we know which approaches will work best for you. Once we identify those strategies, we can recommend the optimal sources for building your prospect lists. We will negotiate those list rental sources on your behalf ensuring that you get the right people at the right organizations that fit your targets.

Campaign Content and Creative

Once the strategy and sources of prospective buyer lists are identified, we can take the next step of developing the compelling offer and related messages to get the attention of the audience you care about. If you have in-house graphics designers, we can work with them to craft the creative layouts of the email campaigns that will be send out. If you need those skills, our design partners can provide those services at attractive prices so we don’t lose time seeking vendors. Either way, we ensure that the proper imagery and ‘look and feel’ of everything from the email to the landing pages reflect your company branding.

Campaign Production, Execution and Analysis

We develop a detailed schedule and timeline for your team and ours to ensure the timely completion of each plan component. If we are working with a third-party for lists or for handling the email blasts themselves, they roles and deadlines are included. We serve as the project manager of the overall campaign, making sure all tactics are executed and completed as scheduled. Once underway, we oversee monitoring the results…making tweaks where and when desired…and measuring success. Overall, we provide a seamless approach to launching and conducting a multi-faceted, successful lead generation campaign.

Why We Succeed

Broad Vertical Market Expertise

Our lead generation campaigns have supported promoting B2B product and services into every vertical market in the U.S. Our results have delivered increased market adoption for our clients. We know how to portray a “big company” image for the early stage and growth company—and that does not translate to big expense dollars to you. It means calculated, focused efforts by us.

Deep Target Buyer Expertise

The demand generation approaches we select carefully align with the specific target buyer in your audience – from CFOs and CIOs to VPs, Directors and Managers of corporate departments across dozens of vertical markets. Each of these corporate decision-makers make their new product or service purchase decisions differently.

We have sold technology products and services to EVERY target corporate buyer in the U.S. And we know the best approaches to reach them. We eliminate the ‘trial and error’ strategies because we have done it many times.

Our Clients Include
